In 1988 - after touring since August 1983 - Mary and Malcolm's names came up on British Airways computers as being the most travelled persons with that airline.
Manchester Airport was crowded with onlookers whilst the TV, radio and press did interviews and photo shoots. These were featured in the national and local press, on Grenada TV in the north-west UK and in the BA house magazine 'High Life'
For one section of the world tour, their tickets usually measure 10 feet in length.
In 1991, Mary achieved 1,000,000 miles with the same airline. This was also reported in national and local press, and Mary was interviewed on BBC TV in Manchester.
In the photo is Mary's long-time friend and travel agent Kevin Cloran and his wife, Josie.
1999 arrived, and they had achieved 2,000,000 miles with BA. Amazingly, this is equal to 80 times around the earth or 4.5 return journeys to the moon!
The couple have lost count of the thousands of other internal flights and boat and train journeys undertaken over the last 20 years.
For more details of Mary and Malcolm's incredible journeys, please click here ...
Why not take a look at Marys Gift pack from Lourdes?
A selection of carefully chosen items from Lourdes which
makes an ideal gift for yourself or loved ones.
Click here to send your prayers, petitions and photos to be carried by Mary on her next shrine visit
Above: Mary on-screen at KUSI ch9 with Dan Plante and Brigette Naso
Left: KUSI ch9 again with David Davis and Brigette Naso
Videos from KUSI shows from 2008 can be viewed by clicking here and here
Mary has been an 'Intuitive Agony Aunt' for more than 25 years in the Southern California area, where San Diego's 3 main TV stations, KUSI CH9, Fox CH6 andNBC's CH7 feature her on a regular basis. She has her own segment entitled 'Ask Mary Your Questions' which has been very successful and extremely busy with calls.
The many and varied questions that viewers and radio listeners ask relate to problems with relationships, health issues, financial matters, property buying and selling and most other of life's issues that people have a concern over.
Each show takes 15 to 20 minutes and is very popular.
Mary is well able to answer many types of personal questions, which makes her unique as a healer and visionary and always in great demand.
On occasion during her radio and TV appearances, Mary was able to pick up on some health issues, through voice vibratrions even though the call may be thousands of miles away.
Where necessary, she has advised a visit to the doctor for a check-up or x-ray. Mary has the gift to see souls of people who have passed over. This is the special gift that has made her world famous. She can explain to the person either sat in front of her or linked up from another country by phone uncannily accurate details about the person that has passed over to the other side.
We would like to dedicate this
web site to the memory of our
good friend the late Johnny Barrett. Click here for our recollections
of our long and happy relationship
with one of Ireland's favourite performers.